Kenmare Family Resource Centre

Don't forget!  We are starting a new course in May. Click here to find out more...


Kenmare Family Resource Centre


Upcoming Events

Parenting Exceptional Children

Parenting Exceptional Children: A strengths-based approach to raising autistic, ADHD and other neurodivergent children.
A 3-session, online course, with John Sharry, October 2024.

Drawing on my Irish Times article series on the topic, I will cover topics such as:

  • Understanding autism, ADHD and other neurodivergent differences
  • Understanding your unique child’s challenges and needs
  • Building your child’s well being and self-esteem
  • Guiding children and promoting autonomy
  • Managing challenges and problem solving
  • Advocating for your child and supporting them in the future

Who is the course suitable for?
The course is suitable for all parents of neurodivergent children, whether they have a formal diagnosis or not. It is primarily targeted at the needs of children aged 6-16 years who have low support needs. (For children with an intellectual disability or high support needs, please additionally consider attending the Parents Plus Special Needs Programme which is run via Family Carers Ireland here.)

Evening course: Tuesdays 1st, 8th and 15th October, 8pm-9:30pm.
Morning course: Thursdays 3rd, 10th, 17th October, 10am-11:30am.

Cost: €90 for one or both parents to attend
You can book a place on either of these courses on my website here.
Places are limited, so early booking is advised.


More information

We are here to help!

If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like us to help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.


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