Kenmare Family Resource Centre

Don't forget!  We are starting a new course in May. Click here to find out more...


Kenmare Family Resource Centre


What we do

There are 108 communities supported through the Child and Family Agency's Family and Community Services Resource Centre Programme providing services and supports to local communities. Through its established network of 106 Centres nationwide, and two outreach Centres, the FRC programme is Ireland’s largest family support programme delivering universal services to families in disadvantaged areas across the country based on a life-cycle approach.

The aim of the FRC programme is to combat disadvantage and improve the functioning of the family unit.  Each FRC operates autonomously working inclusively with individuals, families, communities, and both statutory and non statutory agencies. FRCs are an integral part of the Child and Family Agency's Local Area Pathways model and act as a first step to community participation and social inclusion. The programme emphasises involving local communities in tackling the problems they face, and creating successful partnerships between voluntary and statutory agencies at community level.

A central feature of the FRC programme is the involvement of local people in identifying needs and developing needs-led responses. FRCs involve people from marginalised groups and areas of disadvantage on their voluntary management committees. This approach ensures that each FRC is rooted in the community and this, in turn, makes it a vehicle for delivering other programmes in the community. FRCs are participative and empowering organisations that support families while building the capacity and leadership of local communities.

The work of Kenmare FRC is guided by the 5 outcomes recommended in ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures’ - Active & Healthy, Achieving in All Areas of Learning & Development, Safe & Protected from Harm, Economic Security & Opportunity and finally, Connected, respected & contributing to society.

Our History

Kenmare Family Resource Centre came into being in Nov 2016.  Funded by TUSLA (Child & Family Agency) Kenmare FRC was tasked at serving the Greater Kenmare Area of Kenmare town, Bonane, Kilgarvan area, Templenoe, Blackwater, Tahilla, Sneem area & Castlecove.

From humble but truly passionate beginnings, Kenmare Family Centre started in 2012 under the umbrella of Kenmare Community Care, a community group in existence since Oct 1973.  Given it’s long standing commitment to the community, Kenmare Community Care was approached by HSE to oversee a piece of research – ‘Kenmare Family Supports – Needs Assessment’ (May 2011).  Following this piece of research Kenmare Community Care were granted funding to employ a Family Support Worker.  Kenmare Family Centre opened it’s doors in 2012 in temporary premises and in 2013, moved to two refurbished prefabs on the grounds of Pobal Scoil Inbhear Sciene.  Pobal Scoil Inbhear Sceine continues to kindly host Kenmare FRC.

In 2017 Kenmare Family Centre & Droichead na Daoine, merged to form Kenmare Family Resource Centre (FRC).  Managed by a voluntary board of directors & funded by TUSLA, Kenmare FRC currently employs a full time co-ordinator, a part time administrator, a part time community development worker & a part time family support worker.

Who we work with

We work with all families and communities in the Greater Kenmare Area.  Everyone is entitled to avail of the services of Kenmare FRC.  However, being funded by TUSLA under the national FRC program, all FRC’s do have a remit to positively discriminate in favour of young families, especially those deemed at risk due to isolation, low income or unemployment, those living in social  housing, those with poor or no education, families living with mental illness, children with poor school attendance, families coming to the attention of social work, one parent families.  Please do contact us if you think we can help or support your family in anyway. 

Our Staff

Conor McAtasney

Co- Ordinator


Mary O’Callaghan

Community Development Worker


Mary Law



Irene Carey

Family Support Worker 


Paula McElligott

Link Worker - Cork/Kerry Health and Wellbeing Community Referral



Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are a voluntary group of members who oversee the overall running & governance of the organisation.  The board meet 10 times throughout the year.  The five members of the board of directors are

Julia O' Connor (Chairperson)

Ann Galvin (Treasurer)

Annie Dunnebacke (HR)

Conor Murphy

Lynne Brennan

Maureen Foley

Vera Shaw

Anna Devlin





Company No: 588023 | Registered Charity No: 20155100 | CHY 22063 

Contact Us


Monday – Thursday

9.00am – 5pm



9.00am – 3pm


Resource Room Hours

On Request 


More information

We are here to help!

If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like us to help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.


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